5 stress management tips from Nat Kringoudis

How to find your inner calm
Stress is a coping mechanism that increases our cortisol level and upsets hormone balance.
2. Create a support network
Building your tribe and finding people you really trust and who are on your team is so important. If someone is not aligned with your vision that’s their thing; it’s a reflection on you.
3. Exercise regularly
I exercise a couple of times a week and have regular chiropractic on my spine and for me that’s the winning formula. Find what works for you and do that.
4. Let go of the façade
We all have shopfronts, but living your truth is so important and you’re not going to be happy until you are. Keeping up a front is exhausting and not realistic. Sure we could all be nicer people sometimes but when we accept ourselves for who we are it takes us to a whole new level.
5. You are not the problem, you have it
You are not fat, you have fat; don’t be defined by your insecurities.