The healing power of music therapy
Tunes to soothe your soul
From singing in the shower to lullabies for newborns, music is well recognised for its strength in soothing the soul.
So, of course, it makes sense that when something is too hard to verbalise, another vehicle to safely express feelings is music therapy. Led by a university-trained, registered therapist, music therapy is used to enhance health, functioning and wellbeing. This form of therapy is known for its positive influence on children with development disorders, within aged care, people affected by illness, injury or disability and those experiencing mental health issues.
How it works
Sessions can include therapists playing clients a piece of music, involving clients in songwriting or using a range of instruments and musical styles (including the voice) to generate communication and emotions that are otherwise inaccessible. Therapists use music to create a physical response (feet tapping and humming along), relational experiences (trials of music therapy indicates a high level of engagement with patient groups who are traditionally difficult to engage) and self-awareness (music resonates with our feelings and triggers memories).
How it helps
This form of therapy has been documented to develop self-confidence, concentration skills, communication skills, independence, self-awareness and awareness of others. The language of music is universal and a beautiful way to reconnect with the world.
To find a music therapist, visit the Australian Music Therapy Assocation website.