How to quit smoking for good

4 tips to help you stay on track and free from cravings
Making the decision to change your habits is the first and biggest step you’ll take on the journey to a healthier lifestyle. Charmaine Yabsley has some top tips to help you stay on track and free yourself from cravings.
With around 3.1 million Australians addicted and 19,000 dying each year due to smoking related illnesses, there’s no greater step you can take for the health of your body than to stop smoking.
Whether you’re a social smoker, or you smoke a pack or more a day, it’s important to take each day as it comes. Don’t declare that you ‘will never smoke another cigarette again,’ as this can be too restrictive and lead to feelings of deprivation. Instead, think to yourself ‘I won’t have a cigarette with my morning coffee’, and then take each usual cigarette-break at a time.
See the savings
Monetary encouragement is a great way to avoid buying a sneaky pack at the corner shop. Every day, put into a special account or piggy bank the usual amount you would have spent on cigarettes. You’ll be amazed how quickly it adds up. When it gets to $1000, treat yourself to a weekend at a spa or a new outfit. It’s a lovely way to celebrate the new, healthier you.
Sign up for a marathon
In the past, your smoker’s lungs probably meant you were out of breath just climbing the stairs. By committing to a marathon run - and why not make it a charity run to raise money for cancer research? - you’ll have an incentive to keep healthy. You’ll also be less likely to crave cigarettes if you’re feeling body proud and you won’t pile on the pounds after quitting, which is one of the major reasons people are scared to stop.
Change your diet
Alkaline foods such as green vegetables, lemons and limes are highly recommended for people who are stop smoking. This is because a high level of acid within your body will increase your desire and even your physical need for a cigarette. Acidic foods to avoid include eggs, meat and wine.
Easy way
Alan Carr’s Easy Way To Stop Smoking is a fantastic aid for those who want to stop. Based on NLP techniques, the book encourages you to continue smoking throughout and by the last page, you’ll be looking forward to a life free from the dreaded weed. It has proven very effective for millions of ex-smokers!
For more information, help and advice, take a look at www.quitnow.info.au or call the quitline on 131848.
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Image: Thinkstock