Perfect your posture

Appearing slimmer, taller and more statuesque, all comes down to how you hold yourself.
Good posture has all manner of benefits. It means that the skeleton is aligned and therefore, your bones are in the right place and not under untoward stress (it also makes you look much more elegant in a cocktail dress!)
Appearing slimmer, taller and more statuesque, all comes down to how you hold yourself.
Good posture has all manner of benefits. It means that the skeleton is aligned and therefore, your bones are in the right place and not under untoward stress (it also makes you look much more elegant in a cocktail dress!)
Interestingly, it is often taller ladies who have a tendency toward bad posture, perhaps because they are self conscious about their height. Others are conscious of their breasts, seeking to minimize them by hunching the shoulders and rounding the lower back, ending up with a concertina tummy and a mild stoop.
If you want to add a couple of inches to your frame, look and feel more confident and look leaner and more elegant, working with postural muscles is key. This can be done almost anywhere and further improved with yoga and Pilates.
One yoga pose that can really help is the Mountain Pose (known as Tadasana in Sanskrit). Do this every morning for 5 to 10 minutes and it can improve your posture no end (as well as providing a good opportunity for some early morning meditation)
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes spread.
- Your weight should be evenly distributed between both feet.
- Stand tall (think proud!)
- Draw your shoulders back and down, away from your ears.
- Tuck your tailbone under.
- Think of your spine lengthening from the base all the way through to the back of your neck.
- Your chin should be parallel to the floor.
- Hands are by your side or in prayer.
- Relax, breath, clear your mind and be still.
- Remember how this feels. This is good posture! NH