Sugar addiction - the facts

Naturopath Helen Goodwin offers her expert opinion
When our bodies have been knocked out of balance from too much sugar, we may struggle to get up in the morning and stay alert during the day. A foggy head, digestive problems, headaches and mood swings, including depression may also become issues.
When our bodies have been knocked out of balance from too much sugar, we may struggle to get up in the morning and stay alert during the day. A foggy head, digestive problems, headaches and mood swings, including depression may also become issues.
These health problems result from the over-acidic nature of sugar and it’s leaching effect on valuable vitamins and minerals from the body. Refined sugar also puts pressure on organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas, as they try to detox the sugar out of the system.
We commonly associate too much sugar with dental cavities, diabetes and obesity, however, the white stuff can also lead to poor immune function, an overgrowth of Candida, heart problems and high cholesterol. The effect of sugar on children’s intellectual development is an issue that we should all take very seriously.
The problem is once you start consuming sugar, it can become ridiculously addictive and very difficult to quit. In fact, William Dufty, in his book Sugar Blues believes the difference between sugar and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree.
Be aware that when trying to wean yourself off sugar you may suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, overwhelming cravings and mood swings, or you will be going along quite nicely then have a few pieces of chocolate and you will be back to square one with the cravings.
Another major hurdle in reducing sugar is its prevalence in so many processed foods, it’s not just cakes and sweets that contain refined sugars, large amounts can be found in everyday foods such as breakfast cereals, breads, sauces and dips. We have become so used to these high-sugar flavours that we may no longer be able to taste the natural sweetness found in fruits and vegetables.
In order to break the sugar cycle, setting a date and feeling mentally committed to quitting can really help. Going cold turkey is definitely a challenge but within a few days cravings can be reduced. Avoid all refined sugar found in chocolates, cakes and biscuits, artificial sweeteners, which are potent neurotoxins, as well as the natural sweetness found in honey, maple syrup and dried fruits, until things get under control.
- Recognise that the human body naturally craves carbohydrate for fuel, but respond to these cravings with slow release sugars found in whole grain breads and cereals and sweet vegetables such as carrots, beetroot and sweet potato. Carrot sticks are a great snack to have on hand. They will give you a little sweetness, but not too much of a hit.
- Eat regular meals at roughly the same time every day, making sure you include quality protein in the form of lean meats, nuts, beans and pulses at every meal.
- Always have a handful of nuts at hand – almonds are perfect – for those times when you feel your energy dropping and you need a boost.
- Sour foods such as lemons, plain yoghurt and fermented foods can curb sugar cravings.
- Consider a chromium supplement, which can help to get blood sugars into a healthy pattern.
- When you do re-introduce sugar, try to include natural sweeteners such as raw honey and maple syrup, as they are closer to nature and contain vitamins and minerals. They are, however, still simple sugars, so moderation is the key. Don’t be fooled by brown or raw sugar, it’s simply refined white sugar with the molasses added.
- If your sweet tooth has spiralled out of control lately and you’re feeling at the mercy of your cravings, give these suggestions a try and watch your energy and focus return, your waistline shrink and your mood improve. Once you’re back in balance you may find that sugary foods no longer appeal, but if you do indulge once in a while it will be from a place of pleasure, rather than addiction.
If you're struggling to combat your cravings, Jenny Craig's meal plans are full of fresh, naturally derived fruits and vegetables so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt.
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