5 low-GI foods for happy hormones

Eat your way to happiness.
Improve your mood and balance your hormones with NAT KRINGOUDIS' top five picks.
These are the ace of spades when it comes to hormones – they are the complete meal (protein plus good-quality fats), beautifully packaged in their own little shell. Can you eat too many? The good news about good fats is you really can’t overdo it because your body simply doesn’t allow it. Ever tried to overdose on eggs? You have a limit and your body quickly tells you when enough is enough.
They assist in balancing hormones and specifically benefit female reproductive organs. Nature confirms this. An avocado takes nine months to grow and when we slice one in half, they look like a womb. The proof is in the making!
Green tea
Full of antioxidants, green tea helps to cleanse the body and repair damage from everyday toxins and stress. Green tea also aids in increasing fertile cervical fluid to increase fertility and conception. It’s a wonderful addition to your day.
You can go nuts with nuts! They measure high on the protein and good fat gauge. Add them to salads, smoothies, as snacks and in your favourite curry dishes. They taste amazing and your hormones will love you for it.
Wild salmon
Full of omega-3 fatty acids, high-quality protein, B12 and iron – does it get any better? A serve or two a week will count tremendously towards your happy hormones.
Cells are changed by stress but the antioxidants in olives can help repair the damage, assisting you in maintaining a healthy reproductive system.
Learn more about healthy hormones with Nat Kringoudis in the December 2016 - January 2017 edition of Australian Natural Health Magazine.