Abhyanga massage – the essential guide
Soothe your body with cold pressed oils
Abhyanga massage is an Ayurvedic massage therapy used to soothe and balance the body.
Certified raw food chef and health coach Emilie McBride offers her top tips and advice.
Which oils should you use?
McBride says to use cold pressed organic oil, such as sesame, sweet almond, coconut or sunflower. Warm your oil with the help of a tea candle.
Mastering the technique
Sit down on a chair, or on your yoga mat on a towel, and begin by massaging the oil into your hair with circular movements.
Continue to massage gently towards the outside of your face. Move to your breasts and your belly, massaging clockwise, or – if you are bloated or constipated – moving horizontally from left to right.
McBride says to massage both hips and bottom, then kidneys and lower back. If you have time, leave the oil on your body for two hours before taking a hot shower. Try not to rub off with your towel.
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