Beauty tips for your younger self

Advice from the Australian Natural Health office
We all wish we could turn back the clock. What piece of beauty advice would you give yourself if you could? Some beautiful ladies from our office share what coulda, shoulda, woulda been…
Alela, Business Development Manager
“Start a proper and consistent regime with good products; cleanser, toner and moisturiser as well as masks once a week and regular facials. My skin is not as good as it could be, the damage is done. I’ve spent more money and time trying to correct the problems and not knowing what products will work best for my skin now… too little too late!
Rebecca, Editor
“Consider your skin tone, eye colour, face shape and even body proportions – not just trends or beauty ideals – when choosing a hair colour and cut. Photos of my uni days’ platinum blonde, waist-length locks scream ‘Anaemia Barbie’! (Note to self: One day you will realise that healthy brown hair is far sexier than breaking-off blonde.) Apply this rule to make-up, too, and resist gold lip gloss, even if you are the only Year 10 student sans gilt pout.”
Hayley, Business Development Manager
“I’ve always loved the outdoors and been a sun-lover, so even though I KNEW I shouldn’t have been spending endless hours out in the elements in search of the ultimate tan – I did anyway! I would have saved myself quite a few dollars by not having to go into damage control mode now – forever on the lookout for the latest in laser treatments and fade creams, trying to rid myself of facial pigmentation and sun spots.”
Frances, Customer Service Representative
“Don’t choose shaving as a hair removal option, I could have avoided a lot of nicks, cuts and ingrown hairs that have effected the smoothness of my legs. Plus, I wouldn’t have had to reach for the shaver every few days since waxing allows a lot more time before the hair grows back.”
Natalina, Marketing Manager
“Beauty, to me, is both an internal and external state of being. Being and feeling beautiful is as much a state of mind, as it is a physiological and physical state of health. So achieving that feeling of beauty, is about feeding your body and mind with goodness both on the inside and out! My advice to my younger self would be to have a daily routine of eating good, clean foods and eliminate as much processed food as possible. I would drink at least two litres of filtered water, make a ritual of moisturising my entire body and exercise daily even if only for 15 minutes. Lastly, I would ensure there was plenty of laughter each day, worries were filed away before bed for a restful sleep and I would wake up smiling and grateful – it’s the best kick start to the day.”
Browse more beauty tips and health advice.