Elle Macpherson's day on a plate

An insight into her holistic approach.
For Elle, healthy eating is about nourishing your body and focusing on what makes her feel good. Here, she shares what a day on her plate looks like.
“I eat organic food where possible and have a majority plant-based diet – so that’s lots of raw leafy greens, salad, fruit, vegetables and clean, hormone-free protein, such as fish and chicken.”
BREAKFAST: One poached egg on sunflower or dark rye bread (wheat-free), or oatmeal with agave, half of a grapefruit or some blueberries. An hour after this, I add two teaspoons of THE SUPER ELIXIR Alkalising Formula in cold, filtered water and this sets me up to feel great all day.
SNACK: I will make THE SUPER ELIXIR Chocolate Nourishing Protein smoothie with homemade almond or hemp milk, [which is] easy to make when you are on the go. Being plant based, our protein is easily absorbed by my body, helps me feel fuller for longer and boosts my metabolism. I carry the travel sachets around in my bag for that very reason.
LUNCH: I love kale, spinach, sprouts and rocket. I will generally always have greens with whatever I eat at lunch – often a vegetarian salad with a base of pulses, lentils or quinoa, loaded up with leafy greens and other vegetables from the colours of the rainbow.
DINNER: I will try and include greens again. My evening meal often consists of fresh line-caught fish with salad or vegetables. I try and avoid carbs too late in the day.
AFTER DINNER: Dark chocolate is my weakness.