Feel better naked

Making a few small changes to your lifestyle could be all that's needed
Want to look good naked? A few small changes can make all the difference!
Want to look good naked? A few small changes can make all the difference!
1. A bikini wax, a delicious, new, scented body lotion, a good blow-dry and a manicure can all make you feel more confident about your naked body.
2. Get used to your body in private. Walk around your home nude when you are alone (with the curtains drawn and doors locked), and just get used to seeing yourself with no clothes on.
3. Turn off the harsh, bright overhead lights and use lamps and candles in the bedroom.
4. Keep your skin soft with regular exfoliation and body lotion. When applying the body lotion, try and appreciate your feminine curves.
5. If you want to avoid the bloat, steer clear of bread and fizzy drinks for five hours before ‘sexy time’.
6. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that beholder is attracted to you or he wouldn’t be getting naked with you in the first place! Ask any man – once he is in bed with a naked lady, finding fault in her lumps, bumps and physical flaws is the very last thing on his mind!
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