How to get rid of acne

Natural remedies and treatments
One in five Australians suffer from acne, a skin complaint that mostly affects teenagers but can last until the 30s or 40s. The severe outbreak of cysts and pimples are debilitating for many and research shows that acne has been the cause of anxiety and depression in teens.
What causes acne?
Blocked pores are the main culprit, which can occur for many reasons including an overproduction of sebum (the protective oil our clever skin makes), dry skin (the flaky, dead skin cells block pores), too much of the wrong make-up or products; plus, your diet can be a factor.
Natural remedies
Before you head to the doctor for medication, there has been a huge advance in natural treatments this year via a clinical trial by a New Zealand-based dairy biotechnology company, Quantec. The company compared an acne-treatment cream from the US against its own skin cream, with naturally derived bioactive milk proteins being the main ingredient.
The creams yielded the same results in reducing acne lesions, reducing the redness and inflammation on the subjects by 52%.
Australian company Moogoo has had similar success with its Moogoo Acne Cleansing Cream. The product is a natural moisturiser, featuring milk protein and a range of antioxidants, which is gentle on the skin and proven to be effective after a week’s use. According to Moogoo, most acne creams contain benzoyl peroxide (bleach), which is cheap and effective in the short-term but not a long-term solution for your skin. It can also dry out the skin and irritate it further. With the discovery that milk proteins are equally effective, going the natural alternative is like a high five all round for your skin.
Switch up your diet
Aside from what you put on your skin, what you put into your body is important too. The American Academy of Dermatology has recently found that the strongest link between diet and acne relates to glycemic index studies.
Following a low GI diet may improve acne, as high GI foods tend to trigger a range of responses, including hormonal, in the body.
Take a deep breath
The next best thing to take in is a big, deep breath. Research has proven time and again that stress is a major cause of acne. A study by the Stanford University of Medicine in July found that university students during exam time showed the increased severity of acne was significantly associated with increased stress levels.
Finding time to relax each day and not sweating the small stuff is one of the best things you can do for your skin.