Kinesiology for weight loss

More people are finding out that kinesiology is a powerful tool for healing. And what’s more, it can help unblock the problems that lead to excessive weight. Amber Wilson puts it to the test.
Kinesiology isn’t hocus pocus. Sure, it might seem strange on your first visit when your therapist asks your arms and wrists about stuff that happened to you 20 years ago. But as more and more people are finding out, kinesiology is a powerful tool for healing. And what’s more, it can help unblock the problems that lead to excessive weight. Amber Wilson puts it to the test.
Anyone who’s ever had to battle the bulge knows weight gain and weight loss is much more complex than eating less food and exercising more. There’s a whole range of emotional and psychological factors involved too. What’s more, nutritional, hormonal and allergenic or food intolerance issues come into play as well.
It’s all well-and-good signing up to the gym or the latest Jenny Craig-Atkins-South Beach diet to shed that extra fat. But until we can uncover the reasons we’re actually turning to excess eating or not enough exercise, the fat keeps coming back.
That’s where kinesiology comes in. A therapist can ask your body what’s causing the weight gain, and can even find out what age you were when it all began. For instance, the weight gain might have started when you moved towns as a young child, had to make new friends, and start all over again – and you were terrified. It might have started as an adult when boredom set in, and you turned to food to numb the dissatisfaction and unease. Or it may have begun when your parents broke up.
Once the emotional and psychological factors are uncovered, you’re also going to need to deal with your nutritional deficiencies and addictions, as these are what truly fuel obesity. For instance, if you’re lacking omega 3 fatty acids or magnesium and replacing your energy deficiencies with sugar and salt instead, you’re going to find yourself seriously addicted to chocolate bars, fried foods and soft drinks. And that too, will need addressing.
What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology is essentially a diagnostic tool. It tests the body’s muscles to find out whether a particular food, emotion, thought or nutrient is causing stress to the body. Your body needs to circulate energy within it in a healthy way in order for you to live at your most vital. When there’s something sabotaging this healthy circulation, illnesses and injuries manifest, and sometimes, excess weight. The kinesiologist will also ask your body what it needs in order to redress this balance – after all, your body is the ultimate expert on itself.
The kinesiologist will speak to your body and ask it questions. They may ask for you to hold resistance against their hands with your wrists. When energy flows well around your body, and the kinesiologist asks a question of your body, your wrists will hold a firm resistance. When the energy flows poorly, your body will ‘tell’ the kinesiologist by losing its resistance. It’s truly quite an astounding thing to witness.
Through this technique, the kinesiologist will find out what’s wrong, when it started, and what is needed to redress the balance. It is believed a range of ailments can be helped or even cured using kinesiology. Weight loss is one of them.
About kinesiology
- Kinesiology as developed in the 1960s by chiropractor Dr George Goodheart
- Three sessions are generally needed for maximum results
- Kinesiology uses simple muscle testing procedures to find problem areas, and then uses other complementary medicines to treat these, like nutrition, counselling, massage and Bach Flower Remedies, among others.
- Typical problems people visit a kinesiologist with include: weight loss, headaches, back pain, joint pain, depression, maximising potential, stress and anxiety, fear and phobias, and sports enhancement.
Kinesiology for a healthy weight
Weight loss occurs when calories consumed fall short of calories burned or expended. However, all the emotional, psychological and physical issues your body and mind are bombarded with every day make that a complex equation. Asking your body to provide information about your weight can reveal a range of startling insights.
In relation to weight, kinesiology can reveal:
- Negative beliefs that might sabotage weight loss programs or your ability to stick to a healthier lifestyle;
- Which foods you might be sensitive to or have an allergy to;
- Which nutrients you need in order to have a healthier and more balanced body;
- How you can clear any energetic blocks, in order to recharge your digestive and eliminative systems;
- Any hormones that have contributed to the weight gain;
- Stress patterns and old belief systems related to your weight and body image;
- How and why you are sabotaging your weight loss efforts;
- Whether your hypothalamus, the part of your brain that keeps your body in the same state, is healthy or unbalanced;
- What age your weight problems began, and what their emotional cause was;
- Whether or not you are digesting and eliminating properly;
- What types of foods and eating patterns will work best for you;
- What supplements you might need to help your body;
- Past traumas, such as hurts, abuse or abandonment.
The experience
I take my friend Davina to visit kinesiologist Sharon Tal at the Melbourne Kinesiology Centre (www.melbournekinesiology.com.au). Davina’s stress from her university studies and past history is manifesting in her life in a number of ways, and Sharon plans to unveil it all today.
Firstly, Sharon takes a detailed history of Davina’s family life, her childhood, and what problems she is encountering in her day-to-day life. She discusses her mother, father, and two older sisters. They talk about the things that bother her, and the issues that keep resurfacing in her life.
Finally, after a few minutes of talking, together they uncover what they believe is one of the root problems in Davina’s life.
They then enter the treatment room, and Davina lies down on a comfortable, heated massage table. Sharon lights some sage, and wafts the smoke through the room and above Davina in order to ‘cleanse’ the atmosphere. She asks Davina to hold her arms straight up in the air.
After a series of muscle-testing exercises, Sharon discovers that Davinna’s issue started very young. She helps ‘clear’ these blockages using a range of signs, symbols and words. Sharon then helps Davina learn some new ‘personal truths’, and teaches her muscles to remain strong when she utters them. That way, her mind and body correlate with the new thoughts, concepts and ideas that she’s being taught.
Davina leaves her session a little bewildered, but intrigued. Over the coming weeks, she notices some small but significant changes in her thinking. While she hasn’t seen huge changes in her life just yet, she’s sure her health will soon follow in the direction of this thinking.
Visit this practitioner
Sharon Tal
(03) 9571 6000