Meditation: a simple way to detox your mind

But you need to practise!
Q. What are some simple ways to detox your mind after the stressful Christmas/New Year period?
A: Learn a meditation technique. Most people I suggest this to say they can’t keep their minds still for long enough to meditate, so it’s not for them.
But just like yoga, meditation is a practice; it’s something we continue to improve upon. Yes, some days you’ll find it impossible to still that monkey mind. This is normal. It’s about getting into the habit of sitting quietly once or twice a day and practicing mind control. Soon you will find you’re transcending more often.
You can start with a guided meditation if you like. Another form of meditation is ‘mindful walking’. This is where you try to keep your attention on the present moment. Watch your breath as it comes in then leaves you. Be especially mindful of the place when the in breath meets the out breath. Don’t hold your breath here – only be mindful of that place.
Also, consider doing a juice fast one day a week for the month of January.