Should you wear sunscreen every day?

Janella Purcell answers your FAQ
Should you wear sun cream every day? What are some alternatives to using traditional sunscreens laden with chemicals?
JP: There really is no need for most of us to use sunscreen if we’re not out in the burning midday sun. Controversial, I know.
Yes, by all means wear a broad-rimmed hat and a long sleeve shirt, and try to avoid being outside from 11 to 3pm in the warmer months.
If you find that you have to be outside, then get yourself some straight zinc cream. You’ll find this at a pharmacy or health food store. It’s quite thick, and there are different types for the face, neck and body. I leave a small tube in my car and one at home.
Also, you can now find sunscreens without chemicals. So if you really want to use one regularly, look for one of these. And consider using a natural tinted moisturiser for daily protection against the drying conditions here in Australia.
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