Fresh fruit sundaes (vegan)


Fresh fruit sundaes (vegan)

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Enjoy this guilt-free sundae on a hot summer's day!

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 2 mangoes, chopped and frozen
  • 2 bananas, chopped and frozen
  • 1 orange, sliced in half and flesh scooped out (eat this!)
  • 1 strawberry, sliced in half

Toppings, all optional: almonds, cashews, dried fruit, cacao, lucuma, maca or mesquite powder to sprinkle, pomegranate molasses.

In a high-powered blender, whiz the bananas and mangoes until smooth.

Immediately scoop into oranges, and serve with choice of toppings.

Recipe from Adele at Vegie Head.

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