Many of us are 'programmed’ by false ideas, says hypnotherapist Cynthia Morgan
Have you ever wondered why we believe certain things? And why some of those beliefs seem to keep us at arms length of living the life we really want?
Author described as 'next generation thought leader'
Gabrielle Bernstein is an author, motivational speaker and self-love specialist who has inspired thousands of people across the globe to find their bliss.
"You’re not a victim of illness or of life"
Joan Borysenko, a renowned speaker in integrative medicine and the mind/body connection, is a firm believer in mind over matter.
It's all about control, commitment, challenge and connection
One woman’s acceptance of enormous tragedy has inspired thousands of people to find calm and contentment in the face of trauma, illness and exhaustion.
What's important in your life?
There’s an epidemic sweeping through our society that’s driving us to do more than ever, but most of the time doing things that really don’t matter. The hipsters are tagging it FOMO (fear of missing out), and in a world dominated by social media, it’s easy to lose track of what’s important and be caught up in the lustful ways of comparison, writes Lisa O’Neill.
“To live happily is an inward power of the soul.” – Aristotle
If happiness is life’s goal, how are you scoring? Could you be happier?
Using a smartphone at night results in less work the next day, indicates new research by a Michigan State University business scholar.
The path to success!
Lisa O'Neill shares her top tips.
How to heal rifts
Stephanie Osfield reveals the 5 steps to forgiveness
Want to make today healthier and less frantic?
Then think yourself calmer: