Chocolate banana ice cream


Chocolate banana ice cream

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Kids love a cool treat to get them through the hot summer months. But why not make your own healthy versions instead of running straight for the ice cream van? These recipes are just so easy and the kids can have fun making them, too!

This dessert is rich. Only a small portion is needed to feel satisfied.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 2 tbsp of raw cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp of honey or rice syrup
  • ½ cup of cashews

Mix all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth and serve immediately.


  • Try macadamias insteadof the cashews.
  • Use carob instead of cocao.
  • Add raspberries for a tangy contrast.

By Angela Stafford, Fairytale Food Safari 

NEXT: Cacao and mint smoothie>>

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