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Yoga for breast cancer patients and survivors

... According to the Breast Cancer Network Australia in 2014, an estimated 15,240 women will be ... This diagnosis can be one of the most traumatic experiences of a person’s life, affecting all aspects ...

... According to the Breast Cancer Network Australia in
Mexican stuffed, baked sweet potatoes (GF & vegan)

... Method Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Prick the sweet potatoes with a fork, season with a pinch of pink lake sea salt and individually wrap each potato in foil. Place the sweet potatoes in the preheated oven for around 20 minutes until soft to ...

... Method Preheat your oven to 180ºC. Prick the sweet potatoes with a fork, season
Almonds – a great source of vitamin E

... food: “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.” A balanced diet that includes nuts – ... serve us well as a source of antioxidants, which retard the ageing process and protect against many diseases. Almonds have ...

... food: “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.” A balanced
Foods to reduce cellulite

... why shouldn’t you want to do what you can to reduce the dimples. Cellulite occurs in both men and women, but it is much more ... as this will increase your blood flow and may well be the best way to reduce the fat content in cells, helping to reduce the ...

... why shouldn’t you want to do what you can to reduce the dimples. Cellulite occurs in bot
Vinyasa flow yoga

... training course. I’ve always been fascinated by the body and its physical and psychological potential, and I found yoga, more ... where I wanted to know more about yoga and I felt that the logical next step was to do a teacher training course. Initially, I just ...

... training course. I’ve always been fascinated by the body and its physical and psychological
Ayurveda medicine

... Traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent ...  The history Ayurveda is a complex system of traditional medicine native ...

... Traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent
Farming for the future

... Share: Facebook Twitter If the words ‘organic’ or ‘biodynamic’ make you want to ... trend or something reserved for left-wing greenies or the well-to-do, but in actual fact, organic and biodynamic farming are the ...

... Share: Facebook Twitter If the words ‘organic’ or &lsq
5 steps to beautiful winter skin

... Simple tricks to keep the skin supple and hydrated ... youthful looking skin during winter is to start from the inside and work our way out. ...

... Simple tricks to keep the skin supple and hydrated
Vegetarian nachos for the kids

... Healthy food ideas the whole family will enjoy. ... are ridiculously fast to prepare and completely sidestep the packaged Mexican sauces, which contain about two teaspoons of sugar per ...

... Healthy food ideas the whole family will enjoy.
Tomatoes may prevent breast cancer

... Experts promote the Mediterranean diet Tomatoes could reduce the risk of breast cancer. ...

... Experts promote the Mediterranean diet
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