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How to forgive a friend

... hurt is bad for your health. Why you should let go of the hurt and forgive a friend that's wronged you. To avoid the physical pain associated with the betrayal of a friend, you need to learn ...

... hurt is bad for your health. Why you should let go of the hurt and forgive a friend that's wr
Makeup for blondes

What the experts recommend for your hair and eye colour ... a blonde mane? Beauty journalist Charmaine Yabsley asks the experts what shades to wear on eyes, lips and cheeks to look your most ...

What the experts recommend for your hair and eye colour
How to get active

... Follow these tips to learn to love exercise and get the body you want. ... know how. Charmaine Yabsley has 4 tips to get you off the couch and living the healthy active life you want to. ...

... Follow these tips to learn to love exercise and get the body you want.
How to quit smoking for good

... Making the decision to change your habits is the first and biggest step you’ll take on the journey to a healthier ...

... Making the decision to change your habits is <
Yoga Vs. pilates

Find the right exercise for your body ... connection and communion’ in Sanskrit and refers to the union between the individual self (jiva) and the universal self (atman). ...

Find the right exercise for your body
Curb your sugar consumption

... Learn how to beat the 3pm sugar cravings for good Charmaine Yabsley has all the right advice for giving sugar the boot. ...

... Learn how to beat the 3pm sugar cravings for good
Everyday super foods for digestion

... The best supermarket buys for healthy, happy digestion ... digestion! Yoghurt We’re all familiar with the fact that it’s a digestive super food , but which type of yoghurt ...

... The best supermarket buys for healthy, h
4 food label cons

... Don't be fooled by misleading marketing claims on the labels Don't be lured by the label ...

... Don't be fooled by misleading marketing claims on the labels
Are you in a controlling relationship?

... The control freak will go to great lengths to get their own way; they can be ... highly critical, and usually skilled at debate to the point of distorting the truth and, by their very nature, disrespectful. ...

... The control freak will go to great lengt
8 ways to redistribute the power balance

... There are ways to redistribute the power balance and get back on the same team, discovers David Goding. ...

... There are ways to redistribute the power balance and get back on
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