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Choose a rainbow of fruits and veg

... Variety is key to healthy eating and the easiest way to make sure you have a good mix of fruits and vegetables is to look at the colours. ...

... Variety is key to healthy eating and the easiest way to make sure you have a
How to make healthy food choices

Want to know the secret to supermarket shopping? Look no further... ... While doing your weekly shop at the farmer's market and from local organic producers is the ideal, for many of ...

Want to know the secret to supermarket shopping? Look no
Top 10 foods for healthy hair

... Want glossy, healthy hair? The shelves of supermarkets, salons and pharmacies are packed with products ... a long list of unpronounceable chemical ingredients the majority of us know little about. ...

... Want glossy, healthy hair? The shelves of supermarkets, salons and
How to avoid winter weight gain

Resist the over-sized clothes and comfort foods before it's too late ... We all love to overindulge during winter – what with the over-sized warm clothes that cover extra kilos, cravings for warm comfort ...

Resist the over-sized clothes and comfort foods before it
Bowel problems - common causes

... idea of what constitutes ‘regular’ visits to the toilet are quite different, a diet high in fibre should see you in the healthily regular range. ...

... idea of what constitutes ‘regular’ visits to the toilet are quite different, a diet high in fi
How to have a great day, every day

... explains how having a great day, every day, is yours for the taking ... situation with you happy and content.  You create the world you live in through your imagery. Affirmations of happiness ...

... explains how having a great day, every day, is yours for the taking
Be supplement safe

... Be sure to know the active ingredients in your herbal concoction ... be equally as effective or even dangerous, according to the Mayo Clinic. This is because they are not subjected to the same ...

... Be sure to know the active ingredients in your herbal c
Beans to prevent colon cancer?

... Butyrate could reduce the chance of cancerous cells developing ... iron and protein, beans have also been found to reduce the risk of colon cancer. ...

... Butyrate could reduce the chance of cancerous cells developin
Health tips for a happier sex life

... serotonin-rich foods that increase feel-good hormones in the brain are vital for health and happiness – and for getting you in the mood for love… MOOD ENHANCERS If you’re feeling ...

... serotonin-rich foods that increase feel-good hormones in the brain are vital for health and happin
Pregnancy supplements to boost brain power

... later on in their lives, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association . Children whose mothers took these ...

... later on in their lives, according to a study published in the Journal of the A
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