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Signs of stress

... Feeling stressed? Consult our stress checklist to find how the most common signs ... used to operating on high-stress-alert that it feels like the norm. ...

... Feeling stressed? Consult our stress checklist to find how the most common signs
Burn 320kj by standing idle

... Too much sitting has recently been touted as one of the most common contributors to poor health and fitness, so it’s ... organising desk files, shuffle your feet while washing the dishes, and multi-task – iron or fold clothes while watching ...

... Too much sitting has recently been touted as one of the most common contributors to poor hea
Breast cancer prevention, in a nutshell

The humble walnut could reduce the risk of cancer ...

The humble walnut could reduce the risk
Boost your baby's brain power

... later on in their lives, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association . Children whose mothers took these ...

... later on in their lives, according to a study published in the Journal of the A
Natural pain relief - no pills required

... consider trying one of these natural ways to take the edge off ... to feel pain – it protects us. It’s the body 's way of letting us know that what we are doing is harmful, or a ...

... consider trying one of these natural ways to take the edge off
The hormone balancing act

... hormone? A hormone is a chemical that travels through the bloodstream, which is released from different parts of the body, including glands located in the brain and kidneys, that trigger ...

... hormone? A hormone is a chemical that travels through the bloodstream, which is released from
Secrets of the world's healthiest

... feel happier and look amazing? Adopt some habits of the healthiest people in the world... you'll look good, feel great and live longer, Jennifer Kang ...

... feel happier and look amazing? Adopt some habits of the healthiest people in the
Facts on the grapevine

... Index, meaning they provide long-lasting energy. Also, the glucose and fructose in grapes, both good sugars, provide energy, ... phytonutrients and can prevent heart disease by reducing the build-up of plaque in coronary arteries, as well as warding off your cancer ...

... Index, meaning they provide long-lasting energy. Also, the glucose and fructose in grapes, both go
Load up on vitamin D

... The sun is out, the birds are chirping and the warm weather presents a perfect opportunity to ...

... The sun is out, the bir
Natural aphrodisiacs - 10 of the best

... to eat and drink your way to an enhanced performance in the bedroom… Now that’s food for thought! ... to increase sexual desire. Aphrodisiacs can come in the form of supplement, scent, food, drink or drug. Sydney based naturopath ...

... to eat and drink your way to an enhanced performance in the bedroom… Now that’s food for tho
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