Maintain good eye health with our top tips
Long considered windows to the soul, our eyes are one of our most important faculties. Yet, with daily strains of computer work and as targets for toxic beauty products, they’re also often one of our most neglected, writes Shannon Dunn.
We chat with Dr Karen Pohlner
Shannon Dunn discovers how the Eastern perspective, and in particular Chinese medicine, can help nurture a healthy baby in vitro.
Janella Purcell comes to the rescue!
Q: I suffer from really dry, wrinkly skin on my elbows and the underside of my feet and heels, more so leading up to the cooler months. Is this a nutritional deficiency or do I just need to moisturise more?
Helps reduce stress and fatigue
According to the Breast Cancer Network Australia in 2014, an estimated 15,240 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer with a five-year survival rate of 89 per cent, indicating that many women live long and healthy lives well beyond this point.
A homemade remedy for dry skin
This cream is very rich and can be used for all skin types and all over the body. It is especially good for dry skin.
Homemade beauty recipes
Avocado is very nourishing for the skin (from inside out and vice-versa) making it an essential item to have on your weekly shopping list.
Natural ways to detox the skin
Understanding what habits accelerate or decelerate age is the first step in getting a year-round glow. Shannon Dunn shares tips on how to detoxify your skin, gently.
Lighten the load on your body now and then with a juice cleanse.
Take care of your tummy this holiday season
Probiotics are the healthy bacteria naturally present in your digestive tract.
Simple changes to your diet
Your diet has a lot to do with your breath.