Rachael Finch's natural beauty tips

Finding beauty from within.
We caught up with our cover star to get the lowdown on her top beauty secrets.
What’s your philosophy on beauty?
Beauty is an inner confidence and it makes you feel amazing.
What does your daily beauty routine consist of?
As soon as I get up [in the morning] I have a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a glass of lemon water. I also carry a water bottle with one whole fresh lemon squeezed in there, and I drink that throughout the day. That’s a good cleanser to start the digestive system, stimulate the gut and it’s also good for the skin and hair. I also eat a lot of fermented products. Kombucha is my absolute favourite as I really like sparkly drinks. I love fermented cheese dips and I’m just about to make a fermented cultured yoghurt.
In the morning, I cleanse and moisturise. In the evening, I cleanse, tone and moisturise. I take my make-up off as soon as I get home from work. It’s so important to get that make-up off your skin and let the natural oils do their thing.
Do you have any secret beauty products?
Yes, coconut oil! We all know it’s phenomenal, but I use it on my body as a moisturiser, especially in winter. I use a Certified Organic coconut oi. I also like a soak bath. I have lavender drops that I combine with some Epsom salts that are great for the muscles and the body.
Photography: Bayleigh Vedelago
Grab the April - May 2017 edition of Australian Natural Health magazine for Rachael's full cover story interview!