Be a superhero: No Meat May 2017
Be a superhero: No Meat May 2017

With one of the highest rate of meat consumption the world, Australians are encouraged to find their inner superhero during the month of May to help address the issues with over-consumption of meat.
Those who sign up can choose to donate or raise funds through sponsorships for its four aligned not-for-profit organisations that address key issues in meat-consumption including Greenpeace, Oxfam Australia, Animals Australia and Cancer Council.
Throughout the campaign, participants will be provided with free vegetarian and vegan recipes, nutritional information, and links to educational documentaries, and professional advice from experts including Nutritional Program Manager for Cancer Council NSW, Clare Hughes.
So what’s it like for a full time No Meat May devotee? We spoke to founder Ryan Alexander about his motivation, personal journey and tips for flying through No Meat May.
Nourish: What motivated you to start No Meat May?
Ryan: Once I learned of the massive and growing impact of our meat dependency on our planet, health, animals and food equity, I started my own journey in the less meat direction. I could not ignore the impact of my choices and stay mindful and connected.
I pretty much gave myself a crash course on the impact of the meat industry, and animal agriculture, as well as plant powered nutrition. It became clear quickly that whilst every individual step I took in a more plant based direction is a good one, given the real dangers we face in particular from global warming and environmental damage, we all need to make a pretty big cultural shift. And we have to do it quick.
Nourish: How did the ‘superhero’ angle for this year’s campaign come about?
Ryan: Saving our planet from irreversible climate change, redistributing resources to address world poverty, taking on institutionalised animal cruelty and a culture of over-consumption that causes chronic illness is pretty big and brave stuff.
Superheroes appeal to the aspirational, the possible, and the monumental. And in a world where we can feel insignificant, it’s a real challenge to inspire others to realise the great power they have in their own hands, and pockets. Not all heroes wear capes though, some wear an apron and an oven mitt.
Nourish: How important is this campaign to your own journey?
Ryan: Big question. No Meat May has been pivotal in my journey, it’s grown from one of the most positive and transformative times in my life. It’s also a real labour of love that draws on all those things I guess I’m pretty good at, and connects me with my community in the most positive of ways.
It’s gotta be said, the No Meat May campaigns don’t launch themselves, there’s a lot of blood, sweat and tofu to turn an idea into something real, something with impact and authenticity. Most of it happens on weekends and weeknights. But it’s rewarding and kinda self-sustaining.
Nourish: Advice for No Meat May first timers?
Above all, have fun with it! Get creative, curious and social. We say the first rule about no meat may club, is to talk about no meat may club. So get your friends and family involved, and connect with the inspiring No Meat May community on Instagram #nomeatmay #superfy #vegelfie
Seek out the best new veg restaurants in your hood. Host a dinner party, or a bring a plate shindig - Instagram and google are a goldmine for new recipes and food inspiration.
And remember for the month of May you are an awesome animal and planet saving hero. Be loud and proud and soar like the plant based super hero you are!
Dates: 1 to 31 May
Show your support or join the social media conversation by uploading a ‘super-selfie’ of themselves with their favourite fruit or vegetables, with hashtags #superfy #vegelfie and #nomeatmay, and nominate five friends to do the same. Free super hero motifs can be downloaded from the website.
To register for No Meat May, visit the official No Meat May website.