Dry July 2016
Dry July 2016

Dry July takes a lighter-hearted approach to raising funds, where you are both challenged and rewarded. Ditching the alcohol for July, will not only leave you will a sense of achievement but also a feeling of wellbeing.
Over the last eight years, more than 110,000 participants have gone booze-free and collectively raised over $24 million AUD.
The dry month gives you a chance to also focus on yourself, while taking into account your own drinking habits and it’s a chance to appreciate the value of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
So to help you get through the booze-free month, here a five tips for surviving Dry July:
1. Set yourself a goal – You’ll be completely hangover-free for 31 days so think about what you’d like to achieve in that time and set yourself a goal. It could be anything from running 5k for the first time, working on a business plan or spending more time with your family
2. Get a friend on board – Staying dry will be much easier if you’ve got a ‘partner in crime’. You can support and encourage each other and it will also give you someone to do alcohol-free things with on a Friday or Saturday night.
3. Be mindful – Giving up alcohol for a whole month will have an impact on your health so take the time to notice your previous drinking habits and the effect the break is having on your body –feeling more energetic and productive will spur you on
4. Treat yourself – A month off booze will likely give you some extra time and some extra cash to treat yourself. Maybe you’d like a massage, a new item of clothing or a meal out at a fancy restaurant – now you can use Dry July as an excuse.
5. Keep your eye on the prize – Most importantly, keep focused on why you’re doing this: the funds you raise will help Dry July improve the wellbeing people affected by cancer by creating better services and environments for them and their families. You can’t ask for more than that.
Fancy a mocktail to go with that? Try this SodaStream Kiwi Pear Refresher as pictured above:
- 1 Litre SodaStream sparkling water
- 1 pear, sliced
- 2 kiwis, sliced thinly
- 2 limes, quartered
- 1 tsp Stevia extract
- Mint
Prepare sparkling water: Fizz 1L of cold fresh water. Squeeze juice from limes into a blender, and then add lime wedges.
Half kiwi fruit and spoon out flesh, chop and add to blender. Add sliced pear, stevia, ice and sparkling water to blender. Blend, pour into glasses and garnish with mint.
Register, make and receive donations, run your profile or create a team via the Dry July website.