Cider-braised mussels
Cider-braised mussels

Ingredients (serves 4)
- 2 kg mussels, clams or pipis
- 1 large carrot
- 1 leek
- 1 stick celery, optional
- 2 garlic cloves, peeled
- ¼ bunch dill (use parsley as replacement)
- 1 glass cider
- ½ glass double cream
- Salt and pepper
Wash the shellfish in cold water (if you use mussels, remove the stringy beard by pulling it towards the hinge).
Crush the garlic with the side of a knife blade and chop roughly.
Cut carrot, leek and celery into two to three mm long strips.
Heat a stockpot on the BBQ and add the shellfish, garlic, carrot, leek and celery.
Splash over the cider and cover with a lid, or tin foil. Cook for two to three minutes.
Wash, dry and chop dill.
Strain the liquid into another large or wide pot. Bring to the boil and add the cream.
Reduce the liquid by half and add the shellfish and vegetables.
Season with the dill and pepper.
Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.
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