Mix watermelon, cucumber, capsicum, basil, parsley, vinegar, shallot, oil and salt in a large bowl. Purée three cups of the mixture in a blender or food processor to the desired smoothness; transfer to another large bowl. Puree another three cups and add to the bowl. Stir in the remaining diced mixture.
Serve at room temperature or chilled.
Recipe Tips & Notes:
Melon selection & storage: Look for symmetrical unblemished melons, without flat sides, that have a creamy yellow spot on the bottom indicating ripeness. At 92 per cent water, this fruit should feel heavy when you heft it. Pre-cut melon flesh should be dense, firm and appear moist. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week or keep in a cool, dark spot. Cover the cut surface of melon with plastic wrap and refrigerate.