
Experiencing acute or chronic pain? Before you pop your next painkiller, consider trying one of these natural ways to take the edge off
What do green apples, looking at photos and swearing have in common? They’re surprisingly effective at easing aches and pains, discovers Erin Kisby.
Improve your sleep patterns and get 8 hours a night
Struggling to sleep? The ideal amount is about 8 hours, but for some, 8 hours is the stuff that dreams are made of.
Pregnant? See which supplements boost your child's intellect
Children whose mothers took these supplements during pregnancy had higher intellectual levels, according to a new study
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine experts, healthy digestion is the key to optimal health.
Here are simple and practical ways to help keep your stomach at its digestive best:
Health benefits of grapes
Grapes have a low Glycaemic Index, meaning they provide long-lasting energy. Also, the glucose and fructose in grapes, both good sugars, provide energy, naturally.
Even if you're diligent about your diet, you may fall short of some essential vitamins and minerals. Erin Kisby investigates the supplements that could give your health a much-needed boost.
Even if you're diligent about your diet, you may fall short of some essential vitamins and minerals. Erin Kisby investigates the supplements that could give your health a much-needed boost.
An increasing problem among women
Oestrogen progesterone imbalance is responsible for many health issues, says naturopath Sally Mathrick. Too much oestrogen in relation to progesterone is called oestrogen dominance or excess, and is becoming an increasingly common problem.
Experiencing anxiety? Weight gain? Problematic skin conditions? Maybe it's time to take a look at your hormones. Amber Wilson shows you how to bring your hormones back into sync and get your life back in balance.
Experiencing anxiety? Weight gain? Problematic skin conditions? Maybe its time to take a look at your hormones. Amber Wilson shows you how to bring your hormones back into sync and get your life back in balance.
More people are finding out that kinesiology is a powerful tool for healing. And what’s more, it can help unblock the problems that lead to excessive weight. Amber Wilson puts it to the test.
Kinesiology isn’t hocus pocus. Sure, it might seem strange on your first visit when your therapist asks your arms and wrists about stuff that happened to you 20 years ago. But as more and more people are finding out, kinesiology is a powerful tool for healing. And what’s more, it can help unblock the problems that lead to excessive weight. Amber Wilson puts it to the test.
Debbie Willimott explores Michael Pollan's Food Rules, a collection of information he has gathered over time from a variety of sources including grandmothers, different cultures, the seasons, folklorists, and traditions.
Debbie Willimott explores Michael Pollan's Food Rules, a collection of information he has gathered over time from a variety of sources including grandmothers, different cultures, the seasons, folklorists, and traditions.
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