Top 10 foods for healthy hair

Beautiful hair naturally

Want glossy, healthy hair? The shelves of supermarkets, salons and pharmacies are packed with products that claim to lengthen, strengthen, thicken, lighten and nourish all types of hair, most featuring a long list of unpronounceable chemical ingredients the majority of us know little about. ...

How to sit at a computer

Stiff neck? Tight shoulders? Chronic back pain? You're not alone.

Andi Lew, chiropractic assistant and co-author of 7 Things Your Doctor Forgot To Tell You has the following advice for your desk set up, because she claims that “spending a few moments to make simple ergonomic changes to your work environment will improve your comfort, minimise back, neck and shoulder pain and increase productivity ...

Avocado toast with alfalfa sprouts

Kick-start your morning with a healthy breakfast that's easy to make

Avocado is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. Combined with good-quality bread, it is a great way to start the day ...

How to avoid winter weight gain

Resist the over-sized clothes and comfort foods before it's too late

We all love to overindulge during winter – what with the over-sized warm clothes that cover extra kilos, cravings for warm comfort foods and the tendency to remain inactive, it’s common that many of us emerge from winter a little heavier than before. ...

18 instant stress busters

Linda Smith shows you how to let go and recharge, leaving you refreshed and ready for Monday.

After a stressful week at work it can be hard to switch off when the weekend rolls around. Here are 18 instant stress busters to help you unwind. ...

Bowel problems - common causes

Dietitian Kaye Haslam from Diets on Wheels offers her expert opinion

While everyone’s idea of what constitutes ‘regular’ visits to the toilet are quite different, a diet high in fibre should see you in the healthily regular range. ...

Benefits of a protein-rich, high fibre diet

Looking for a way of eating that will keep you feeling fuller for longer, reduce cravings and satisfy all of your nutritional needs? Look no further...

We’ve all heard that protein is important for a slim and healthy body. But high protein diets often lack fibre, and ample fibre is one thing a healthy body really can’t live without. Combine the two, and you’ve got a dynamite equation that will see you galloping through your day, as well as shedding unwanted kilos. ...

Yoga - the eight limbs

Mastering the mind is the true aim of yoga, despite what you may have gleaned from some of the modern world’s focus on bulletproof bodies and legs that can stretch behind one’s head.

Once upon a time, many centuries ago, there lived a man named Patanjali – a man who is considered the godfather of yoga. Many stories about him have taken on mythical and magical qualities to the point where he could almost be considered a deity. One story says he fell from heaven in the form of a snake into the upturned palms of his powerful yogini and goddess mother. But despite his legendary, saint-like status, we don’t really know much about this incredible historical figure. ...

Food allergies - the facts

Australia has one of the highest food allergy prevalence rates in the world. Liz Nowosad explores the facts of food allergy and intolerance.

It’s estimated that one in three Australians will experience an allergy at some point in their lives, be it very mild or potentially life threatening. In a study conducted by The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 4.1 million Australians –19.6 per cent of the population – have at least one allergic disease. ...

Common eye problems

Got blurred vision or dry eyes? it may be time to visit the optician

Don’t let common eye conditions hinder the sparkle in your eye. Here are common optical problems to keep your eye on. ...

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