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Exercise for your decade

Whatever your age your mind and body can benefit from a workout, but while hitting the gym can have enormous benefits in your 20s, pounding the treadmill at 60 is not advisable. Emma Krieger asks the experts what we should be doing at different stage

To help tailor your workout needs to your age, we chart the must-do’s and don’t-do’s for fitness throughout the decades. ...

Handle your headache – naturally

We live in an age where the easiest solution for a headache is to simply pop a pill. Yet countless studies warn of the side effects of over-the-counter drugs, and ironically, painkiller overuse is the third most common cause of headaches.

Debbie Willimott goes in search of alternative headache busters that treat more than just the symptom. ...

Burn 320kj by standing idle

Simple activities like washing dishes and tidying up can help you lose weight

Did you know you can burn around 320 kilojoules simply by standing idle? ...

How to have a great day, every day

Steer your day toward success, happiness and fulfillment with some positive thinking

Joanne Mensforth Ph.D. explains how having a great day, every day, is yours for the taking ...

In your dreams

Do you think of sleep as system-shut down? Well dream on, because a trip to snooze-town isn’t entirely lights-out. Diana Timmins reveals the nocturnal neural activities that create the stuff that dreams really are made of.

Want to hear about the dream I had last night? Or have you tuned out already? Listening to someone relay their dreams may seem quite mundane, but it might be worth a listen as dreams contain more insight into the dreamer than you may have thought. But be warned, set your dream dictionary aside, as there is certainly no one-size-fits-all in the land of nod! ...

Ricotta and blueberry crêpes

Get ready for Shrove Tuesday with this delicious recipe for ricotta and blueberry crêpes.

Get ready for Shrove Tuesday with this delicious recipe for ricotta and blueberry crêpes. ...

Why do we self-sabotage?

Do you ever feel that the world is against you, or that something or someone is holding you back?

Could that someone be your inner saboteur, asks Liz Nowosad? ...

Set goals and stick to them!

Have you ever felt that your previous attempts at goal setting have been ineffective?

Whatever your goal, life coach Geoff Edwards offers some sound advice on setting and seeing it through. ...

The Power Of Touch

Your Guide to Massage

Massage is one of the oldest methods of healing, dating back almost 4000 years. ...

Romantic date ideas

Liz Nowosad explores ways to reignite your romance

It takes little time and effort to keep the romance alive in your relationship. Liz Nowosad explores ways to reignite the flame with 8 date ideas: ...

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