
Japanese salad with eggplant (vegan)

Looking for healthy salad ideas? We love this Japanese salad with eggplant, buckwheat noodles, edamame and fresh wasabi.

Pavlova with coconut ice cream & berries

A sweet, homemade dessert that's gluten & dairy free.

Oysters with pickled honey, red wine onions and sour cream

Love seafood? Try oysters with pickled honey, red wine onions and sour cream.

Strawberry-gin cocktail

Also known as 'The Sarah Jane'

'The Sarah Jane' is a signature cocktail from Melbourne restaurant Saigon Sally.

Chocolate & cranberry slice (vegan)

Vegan chocolate desserts from Adele at

Red rice tacos (vegetarian)

Ditch the salt, cream and cheese in favour of health, fresh Mexican dishes like these vegetarian red rice tacos.

Rice noodle and 
edamame salad (gluten free)

Healthy Asian recipes

Looking for gluten free recipes? We love this rice noodle & 
edamame salad.

 salad with freekeh (vegan)

Healthy lunch ideas from around the globe.

Swap your normal 'next door' salad for this tasty Moroccan dish.

Pear, avocado & 
rocket open sandwiches

Australian pears are essential fare for maintaining good digestive health and can be eaten with just about anything.

Chocolate mousse tartlets

Made with cacao powder

These chocolate mousse tartlets are healthier than they look! The filling is made from avocado banana and raw cacao powder.

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